JNPL is committed to the combined goal of safety, quality and productivity. Its topmost priority
is maintaining a safe working environment that protects the health, safety and wellbeing of
staff, fellow project team members and communities in which JNPL works, by continually
improving and enforcing safe practices, processes and environments.
The safety goal for our company at each jobsite is zero accidents. Every precaution is taken to
protect every single member of our workforce as well as of other people they encounter,
wherever they are working: on site or in the offices, by continually improving and enforcing safe
working practices, processes and environments. JNPL’s Safety Team carries out regular audits to
highlight areas for improvement and all staff are empowered to raise any matter of concern.
The Safety Team enables and encourages prompt and centralised recording and reporting of
hazards, equipment inspections, site audits and other safety matters.
Most of our sites have already succeeded in attaining our “Zero Accident” target, showing
everyone that this is an attainable objective for all.